A Look Inside Our Community

Ever wonder what it's like to be a sister? Come take a closer look. And we hope to hear from you! Send us a comment now and then.

Monday, June 30, 2008

The St Paul Summer Program is in full swing here in Boston . Nine young women who are "second timers" have been with us all week, and today five "first timers" arrived. There's lots of energy in the house!

The 2nd timers have had quite an enriching week with art, writing, and photography tracks, and classes on St. Paul and the Word of God. Yesterday was their silent retreat day at St. Thecla's, which they described as "Amazing!" They are now preparing a St. Paul Year Kick-off Party for the Community.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Sunday June 15th dawned wet and rainy but inside the house here we were all excited and rejoicing because this was the perpetual profession day of Srs Jennifer and Joanne so a little rain was not going to damper our spirits. It was a beautiful ceremony with Bishop Lennon as the main celebrant. The music was lovely and certainly added to the solemnity of the moment.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Sr. Jennifer Tecla has come to Boston along with Sr Joanne (not pictured here) to make their perpetual profession this coming Sunday, June 15th. This is a long awaited day since the person remains with temporary vows renewed each year for five years. We have great reason to celebrate another sign of God's faithfulness.