A Look Inside Our Community

Ever wonder what it's like to be a sister? Come take a closer look. And we hope to hear from you! Send us a comment now and then.

Monday, June 30, 2008

The St Paul Summer Program is in full swing here in Boston . Nine young women who are "second timers" have been with us all week, and today five "first timers" arrived. There's lots of energy in the house!

The 2nd timers have had quite an enriching week with art, writing, and photography tracks, and classes on St. Paul and the Word of God. Yesterday was their silent retreat day at St. Thecla's, which they described as "Amazing!" They are now preparing a St. Paul Year Kick-off Party for the Community.


  • At 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sr. Annie,
    That was a great 12 days! I loved seeing you again! The St. Paul Year Kick-Off party was pretty fun! (and warm...i must say!!! :-D)
    I know each and every one of us left with so much more than we came with! All of you sisters are such an inspiration to us in our discernment. Thank You!

    Say hello to everyone for me!

  • At 9:24 PM, Blogger Lisa said…

    Hi, S. Annie, just want to stop by and extend Christmas greetings and wishes for abundant blessings in this new year! May God bless your ministry in gentle abundance :)

  • At 9:24 PM, Blogger Lisa said…

    Hi, S. Annie, just want to stop by and extend Christmas greetings and wishes for abundant blessings in this new year! May God bless your ministry in gentle abundance :)

  • At 10:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dearest Sister Annie....
    How about an update!!???!! :D Hahaha! It was GREAT seeing you again! (As Always!) :D

  • At 3:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Money, money, money!!

    San Felipe de Neri Parish; 2005 North Plaza NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104

    mailing address: PO Box 7007, Albuquerque, NM 87194

    Pastor: Rev. Dennis Garcia
    Deacons: Jose Lucero, Maurice Menke, Tom Perez, James Carabajal
    Religious education: Melany Gallegos, Director
    School: Jennifer Mason, Principal
    Museum and Gift Shop: Steve Torres Manager (convent bookstore on-site)

    Stewardship Report:

    November 1 & 2, 2014

    Sunday envelopes: $6,906.50
    Sunday loose: $909.72
    Envelopes used: 321
    Building fund: $1,009.00
    All Saints Day: $1,037.00
    All Souls Day: $565.00
    St. Vincent De Paul: $1,843.00
    Other: $192

    Renovation Pledge/Annual Catholic Appeal:

    Our Parish Goal is $80,000 to pay on our debt for the renovation project.
    Total pledged: $71,285.14
    Total paid: $54,795.14
    Pledge balance: $16,490.00

    Families: (active registered) 1,200
    Total number of pledges: 245


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